Thursday, June 16, 2011

I got onto this computer with the greatest urge to write. The urge was nearly a necessity. My fingers were "hungry" to type all the thoughts that have been collecting in my mind.Let me describe it for you.

Have you ever seen a pot of boiling water with the lid closed? When you remove the lid, I am most sure you recall, there are droplets of condensation on the lid that either stick to the lid (temporarily) or fall back into the pot. Well, I decided today that it was the time I picked up the lid to my brain and stop constricting those droplets of imagination from falling back into the pot. Twas quite a cruelty to hinder them from freeing themselves into the big great air where they could take flight. Imagine that! You and your buddies, do use your imagination, have collaborated together some genius plan. After a little work and heat, you've overcome some of the opposing forces and your plan begins to rise. It up it goes, higher and higher AND...PING! You hit a hard spot of which there is no way to go but back down to where you started, back down into the masses and confusion of pre-collaboration.
Now you can empathize with that little water droplet in the pot. Hahaha!

There are two lessons to be learned or asked from this very silly illustration.

  1. Open up the lid to your brain. Let what's inside escape (filtered of course) , when necessary and appropriate. What's the point of having a good dream, a goal, a talent if you only keep it to yourself?

  2. Unfortunately, not all of us can win the lottery. Hard work is nearly always essential to achievement. Don't be discouraged, rather be encouraged! As says T. Edison " Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

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