Friday, July 1, 2011

Focused under the Scope of Reality

Everything became so real today.
The past few weeks I have been working in a cancer biology lab. Amazing cannot describe my experience thus far. Truly, I feel like I have found my niche. Yes, I still have more to learn about research, but a career in research is all about eternal learning.
But today I was checking out some breast cancer tissue slides under the scope. These came fresh from the hospital. My mentor gave me the paper that had some hush hush info on it and asked me to read about a particular slide we were looking at. As I read through the paper, it hit me. My hands nearly tremble as I type this right now. The tissue on this slide came from a real person who is right now battling for cancer. The blood on this slide is the blood of a woman who probably has a career, a passion, a family. The cells on this slide are from a woman who knows what love is and what pain is. The tumor I saw on that slide was from a woman who was probably trying to do all she could to fight for herself and for her family. That blood was hers and the battle is on all of us. All of us who are getting an education not only in cancer research, but as physicians, as educators, as counselors, pastors, factory workers, sales associate, ect. Life as a human is just as intertwined as the cells and proteins in our body. We make contact and impressions with each other. I know that the person who discovered that molecule x could reduce tumors in people like the woman on the slide, the person who administered molecule x to the woman on the slide, and the person who deeply smiled in the grocery line at the woman who's blood is on the slide are all equally important.
Today, like no other, the focus became so clear, that all that I do, say, and think should be for the benefit of my God and to the benefit of all my brothers and sisters in this world, including my sister who owns the blood on that slide but shares the battle for her life with us.

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